There was only one cake i had to do for this course. We had to do Royal Icing for couple of classes. Made flowers - apple blosoms, violets, pansies, mum, daffodils, daisies! It was fun! A lot of time,i have heard Royal Icing was tough to work with..But i really loved it. The victorian roses came out really good with Royal Icing compared to the Buttercream ones. Also we made birds with color flow mix. One thing I learnt is that color flow tints fade. So its better to tint couple of shades darker to get the desired color range. I made my birds in sky blue and after couple of days, they were pale blue.

So, for the final cake i made a rainbow cake(read it in another blog) as we were planning to give the cake to one of our colleague's daughters. It was French Vanilla flavor with vanilla pudding filling. It was a great disaster on the day of the class when the cakes moved and my pudding got squeezed out. Somehow i managed to ice the cake again and started with basket weave. Its bit tacky, but as u get to roll, it seems quite easy..But hands hurt a lot...Ropes were very easy..So I ended putting all the flowers on my cake and by the time i drove back, OOOOOOOF, again cake splt! :(

So I started again! Now I made basket weave like a pro in 20 mins! Arranged flowers and ready to go!

And the kids were happy! :)